Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Aras 3-5, No. 26, Jalan Tun Hussien, Presint 4, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62100 WP Putrajaya
Questions and Answer Related To Restricted Movement Order (RMO)
What are the documents to be submitted if the registered owner's representative is present for the purpose of extending a vehicle registration certificate ?
Only the original vehicle registration certificate.
What is the purpose of a certified copy of vehicle registration?
A certified copy of a vehicle registration means the original vehicle registration certificate is not available due to the following reasons: -
The new vehicle registration certificate issued by RTD is named a copy of the vehicle registration certificate.
What is the meaning of Vehicle Registration Certificate Extensions?
Extension of a Vehicle Registration Certificate means that the original Vehicle Registration is still available but additional payment information cannot be printed because the space is full. The original vehicle registration certificate will be taken back by the RTD and a new Vehicle Registration Certificate will be issued by the RTD cited as the Vehicle Registration Certificate Extensions.
What should I do if the vehicle's LKM is not renewed for more than a year?
If the vehicle's LKM is not renewed for more than a year, the vehicle should be taken to Puspakom to get a vehicle inspection report (b2). After that, the owner / representative must be present at the RTD office along with the B2 Report, original vehicle registration certificate and sufficient payment for renewal.
When can the exytension of certificate of registration can be done?
Anytime. Usually, when you want carry out any transactions such as LKM payments, change of possession or others, and the counter staff finds that the space for payments is already full.
Can a motor vehicle be registered if the chassis number has been tampered with?
No, because according to Section 10 APJ 1987, no motor vehicle shall be registered unless the vehicle has engine and chassis numbers that are legible, clear and untouched.
Can the LKM renewal be paid in advance of the expiry date of MCB?
Renewal is allowed two months ahead of the expiry of LKM.
Can a representative of the registered owner of the vehicle go to the RTD Office for the purpose of vehicle registration certificate extension?
Same as LKM payment, representatives are allowed to attend on behalf of the registered owner for the purpose of vehicle registration certificate extension.
My LKM has expired, but I need to Puspakom for vehicle inspection. Please advise.
Registered owner / representative must make an application for temporary travel permit at an RTD Office, on condition that the electronic insurance requirements have been entered in the RTD systems. No fee is charged for the temporary travel permit.