Automated Enforcement Systems (AES)

What is AES?

  • An automatic enforcement of traffic laws, and is a continuation of the Road Safety Plan 2006-2010.
  • On-going efforts of road safety activists (JPJ, PDRM, JKJR, MIROS, JKR) focusing on 4E (Engineering, Enforcement, Education and Environment).
  • Necessitates adaptations of the enforcement system to be sustainable in driving attitude changes regardless of the increase in number of vehicles, drivers or constraints in enforcement.
  • A system based approach that could change the attitude of Malaysian drivers.
  • A tracking system that automatically records traffic offenses using sensors installed on the road and imaging system that captures photo and video images of traffic violations.

Why do we need AES?

  • Electronic enforcement of traffic offenses is one of the methods of enforcement.
  • AES is an enabler that embodies all efforts towards achieving the target of the Road Safety Plan 2006-2010 in reducing accidental death.
  • An adaptation of an enforcement system that is sustainable in driving attitude changes regardless of the increase in number of vehicles, drivers or constraints in enforcement.
  • AES is able to change the attitude, behaviour and driving culture through enforcement that is:
    • 24 hourd
    • Not seasonal
    • No human intervention
  • To increase the level of Perception Of Being Caught (POBC) among road users. (On weekdays 25%, rising to 50% during festive period during Ops SIKAP, compared to 80% to 90% in developed countries.
  • The solution to the cost of treating and rehabilitating over 800 accident prone areas in the country, which is very high and very time consuming.

How does AES function?

  • AES is able to automatically detect and record any traffic offenses as soon as they are committed in accident-prone areas where the system is installed.
  • AES implementation covers offenses such as:
    • Beating the traffic light
    • Speeding
  • Information of these offenses is then sent in real time online to the AES Control Centre. The information is processed to identify the driver/owner of the vehicle based on the information in the RTD database.
  • Summons will be issued automatically and sent by mail to the person who is summoned (OKS).
  • The system automatically sends the information to the court for trial if the OKS chose not to pay the compound or decided to go for trial.

What are the advantages of traffic enforcement through AES over the existing methods?

  • Increased effectiveness of enforcement actions by detection and the issuance of summons in a transparent, accurate and continuous manner.
  • Enforcement officers do not have to manually record the offenses at the side of the road all the time.
  • An enforcement system that is safe, confidential, trusted and continuously available. It is able to operate 24 X 7 X 360, day and night, in all weather conditions.
  • Without human intervention. This will enhance the integrity of enforcement (not seasonal, no interaction with offenders and corrupt elements in the streets).
  • Capable of detecting offenses committed by private, commercial and public transport vehicles.
  • Calibration for each fault detection and image-recording instrument are made in accordance with the 2007 National Measurement Act so that the recorded offense will be a prima facie case.
  • Transmission of data/image is difficult to be intercepted because they are encrypted and sent automatically after offense detection.
  • AES is a direct the trigger for the purpose of teaching/shaping our drivers to adhere to road traffic regulations.
  • The system structure is designed so that legal action cannot be denied or disputed in court by the offender. It facilitates prosecution by providing evidence that is acceptable to the court (Control Centre is linked to all Traffic Courts).
  • AES will not cause traffic jams.
  • AES can be used to enforce other offenses in the future, such as: -
    • Crossing the double line;
    • Overtaking on the left side of the road;
    • Overloading;
    • Cut the queue;
    • Restrictions on heavy vehicles entering the city;
    • Enforcement of bus routes.

Is AES effective in reducing the rate of road accidents?

  • Electronic enforcement system has been implemented in 90 other countries around the world.
  • In Southeast Asia, Thailand and Vietnam have implemented a digital traffic enforcement system.
  • Examples of the effectiveness of AES in other countries:
  • France - The mortality rate went down 27% in the first 3 years of the use of the automated enforcement system.
  • Germany - In the installed locations, speed reduction has become a culture (vehicle speed reduction and compliance of 80% at locations where speed sensor cameras are installed).
  • Kuwait - Accidents decreased by 48%.
  • United Kingdom - Traffic violations decreased by 6% from the total number of registered vehicles.

If AES is so effective, will this system no longer be needed in the future?

  • If AES was so effective, it would reduce the number of summonses issued. However, there are still issues that need to be considered:
    • 9% of road users are habitual offenders.
    • Vehicle volume grows at 10% per year.
    • The number of licensees increases.
    • Road increases.
    • Black spot locations will also change with repair works done in the area.
    • The important issue is not the number of summonses issued but the need for a solution to the unresolved lawsuit.

Which agency will be responsible for implementation of AES?

  • The Ministry of Transport Malaysia is the proprietor (owner) of AES.
  • Agencies under the Ministry of Transport are directly involved in the implementation of the AES:
    • JPJ is directly responsible for implementing AES and is the end-user of the AES system.
    • MIROS is responsible to determine the black spot locations for the camera installations and to study the effectiveness of AES.
    • JKJR is responsible for advocacy and road safety awareness campaigns on AES.

What are the roles of PDRM in AES?

  • PDRM will utilise AES to track offenses and carry out traffic duties.
  • The AES Control Centre has control rooms for PDRM dan JPJ.
  • Mobile AES units will be administered by PDRM and JPJ.

How is the location for AES camera installation determined?

  • The locations for the AES cameras are determined by MIROS with the help of JPJ, PDRM and the JKJR.
  • The basic information that is used is based on the police accident report (Pol.27).
  • Data from this report was analysed by MIROS to identify the coordinates of the accident locations.
  • These locations were scored (ranked) according to accident cases. Accidents are scored from high to low - accident cases, serious injuries, minor injuries and minor accidents. Locations that accumulated the highest scores were given priority for AES camera installation. The locations were also verified.

How many cameras will be installed?

  • 566 speeding cameras.
  • 265 traffic light cameras.
  • A total of 831 cameras.
  • 250 units (30%) of the total are mobile units - the mobile cameras are operated in accident-prone areas that have no infrastructure (electricity, communication range, etc.) for the installation of static camera.

Will the public be upset with the Government's implementation of AES?

  • The implementation of the AES may cause a public outcry because the system will drastically change driving behaviour in a short time. However, people have the option to not break the law.
  • AES will be implemented gradually. It is expected to be 100% completed within 18. This period is sufficient for the government to implement awareness and advocacy programs.
  • The advocacy program is the responsibility of the Road Safety Department (RSD) to ensure understanding and acceptance of people towards compliance with traffic laws, the responsibility to resolve traffic offenses and road safety awareness.
  • The advocacy program is the responsibility of the Road Safety Department (RSD) to ensure understanding and acceptance of people towards compliance with traffic laws, the responsibility to resolve traffic offenses and road safety awareness.